End Of Term Blog Post 🤭

This term I have been doing loads of different Stuff. I went on a school skiing trip, I made a costume for a performance and I did Epro8. I really enjoyed holding up a sign in the performance. A goal for next term is to try to make some new friends.

Inquiry – whale costume

For inquiry I have been making a costume for our production. My group was Willow, Hebe, Melody, Kaylee and me. The costume me and my group were making was a whale. I thought the hardest part was trying to make an idea for the whale’s top. The most enjoyable part of making the costume was the mask, we got to put lots of glitter. I filled the whale tail with stuffing and helped cut out felt for the blow hole. I think next time I’ll pay more attention and do more work.


last Wednesday my class went up mount hutt to go skiing. it took 1-2 hours to get up and down. when we got there we went down stairs to get suited up. We learnt how to ski with a guy named Henry. After we learnt we slid down a hill. I think it good to have a go at skiing because it was fun for me and i do not regret the trip. 

Maths – Statistics

In math we have been learning about statistics. I have learnt how to make a graph using a spreadsheet. I can compare data and I now know what the mean, median and mode are. I didn’t know what a variable was before but now I know they are groups that change like year 7 and year 8. I think I showed resilience  because when I got the question wrong I kept trying again.

Tech – woodworks

Today in tech i made a spatula out of wood. First i drew the shape i wanted. Next i used the scroll saw to cut it out. Then i used the sander wheel to smoothen the edges. Lastly i sanded it off with some sand paper.

Image of the spatula



Ordering fractions

Today we had to do a work sheet about ordering fractions. We ordered 10 fractions from biggest to smallest.

I put 1/2 as the biggest  fraction because 1/16 may have the biggest denominator but 1/2 has the biggest space between the numbers. I put 1/16 as the smallest fraction because it has so many numbers in between  it has very small spaces.